Mother Earth is ascending into the new dimension more and more and every human being is able to take part in the changes that are included in this process.

The Kryonschool is one path to awaken you to your full potential, to who you really are.


The 48 Steps to awakening are carried by the loving energy of Kryon and the 36 High Councillors of the Light.

Kryon is a magnetic entity whose task is to align the magnetic grid of planet Earth with the new energy. He is also a bearer of the magnetic love energy which is the energy of the New Age. 

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Welcome Channeling from Kryon:

Feel the love which is present when an angel touches you.

Click here.

(MP3-file, length 27 minutes, 19MB; Simply left-click. It may take a few minutes until the file is ready and will play. You may also right-click and by choosing "Save Target as…" save the MP3-file to your hard drive or copy it to your MP3-Player.)



What does awakening mean?


Master Lao Tse goes into it in more detail in a channeling.



If you would like to feel more of the energy of the Kryonschool download

Step 1 as your FREE TRIAL ISSUE.

Sentence for the Day


This sentence for the day was brought by Maha Cohan
My dearest family,
Today energies of Maha Cohan are transmitted. For the human consciousness this means:
Being well dissociated means that you can perceive yourself and your inner wisdom better and that the loud collective energies can be kept at a distance. Use the Crystals ELEXIER (unconditional love) - ANA'ANARAA (energy of deliverance for the soul) and KRYON ENERGY.
I wish you a wonderful weekend,
Sabine Sangitar

The next sentence for the day will be posted towards the end of the month.