The Third Language and the Crystals from Divine Reality
Here you can find the Crystals from Divine Reality as well as the Alphabet of the Elohim. The Crystals have the energy of the gods and they are very helpful on our path to Awakening.
You will find more information about the Crystals here >>>
The Language of the Elohim, of the angels, is the universal language of Divine Reality. It is also called "The Third Language". Use it in your prayers as often as is possible for you.

The Crystals
Crystal MARAS, the Crystal for protection from and of electric fields
Assignment of the Crystals to the Chakras
Crystal SHEN'ARIN - Human Love
Crystal SOL'A'VANA - God's Breath
Crystal SHADEES (no translation)
Crystal SHEN'A'MAA - Crystal of the White Priesthood
Crystal ANA'ANARAA - Energy of Deliverance for the Soul
Crystal SHI'A'DRANA - Intention
All Crystals on Overview Sheets for Download as pdf-File (in order of Steps)
Frequently Asked Questions about the Crystals
Further Information about the Crystals
Energies, Deities and Numbers of the Crystals
(pdf-file for Acrobat Reader)
The Crystals have been examined by Dr. Masaru Emoto.
For this he informed water with the Crystals from Divine Reality, froze it and took pictures under a microscope.For the photos, click here >>>