Assignment of the Crystals to the Chakras
I am Sanat Kumara and I greet you.
I am the High Self of Lady Gaia. I call you: Let all the knowledge that stems from the old energy behind. Open yourself to the new energy.
As the vibration of Lady Gaia rises continually and therefore the energy of the human beings also rises, much will change. Some human beings still have difficulties acknowledging the new, such as, for example, the new chakra colors. As Lady Gaia’s energy is rising and energies express themselves through colors and sounds, the chakra colors also change. The individual tasks of the chakras also change.
With the new Crystals you can cause wonderful things in your chakras. Store the Crystals in your chakras and let the energy of the New Age work in you.
All the Crystal for download in a ZIP file
1. Chakra – AL’SHA’RA
Meaning: The elemental force of life and of the sun

2. Chakra – YA’NA
Meaning: The balancing joy

3. Chakra – RA’DA’SHA’NORI
Meaning: Light of life, expression of trust and security

4. Chakra – SAI’DA’SVA
Meaning: Unconditional love for the divine

5. Chakra – LI’MA’VA
Meaning: Father principle – mother principle, vibrating freely

6. Chakra – AM’RI’NA
Meaning: Divine elemental force vibrates in my abilities

7. Chakra – HY’LA’ANAR
Meaning: Perfect light of the divine reflection